Thursday, March 5, 2015

Immune to calm down the immune system

So I'm having an auto immune flare up and my body is attacking my thyroid.  So how do I calm it down?
Look at hidden gluten and remove all gluten

Eliminate all anti inflammatory foods(dairy, eggs, gluten, sugar, goitrogen(cabbage), nightshade family(tomato, potato, red peppers)

Drinking pure aloe vera juice( 1-2 oz shot glass) Aloe vera juice has anti-inflammatory properties,Aloe vera juice can help strengthen your immune system due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, as well as helping it on a molecular level.
If your immune system is not overly taxed by having an excessive amount of bacteria, viruses, and other outside invaders, it becomes stronger and more able to perform its duties. Aloe vera can help take some of the burden off of your immune system, allowing it to strengthen up and be more effective at what it does. Aloe Vera is an adaptogen.(herbal ingredients used to improve the health of your adrenal system, the system that's in charge of managing your body's hormonal response to stress).  Aloe Vera juice reduces stress. Drinking aloe vera juice can help your body cope with the changes that occur in the world around you, actually helping you to adapt to these changes rather than fight against them. This is why it’s considered an adaptogen, a substance that helps the body adapt to what’s going on in its environment. Other examples of adaptogens include ginseng and goji berries.
The sort of stress that aloe vera juice can help with is both emotional and physical, allowing you to focus better in hectic times, as well as handle physical stresses to the body without escalating the problem.
It can also help the body with environmental stresses, which is important because we have little control over this, so it’s important to shore up your defenses and equip the body with what it needs to effectively thrive in constantly changing environment...I guess I should have done a blog just on Aloe Vera!

use nutrients like rhodiola, vit C, Vit D, krill oil( 2000 mg) to help calm your immune system naturally.

take a probiotic 5 billion to help with gut flora if you have been on any anti biotics

avoid the 5 "A's" Antibiotics, Advil, Asprin,Alcohol, Animal products,

exercise regularly is a natural anti inflammatory

practice deep relaxation, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, massage, chiropractic care for the spine..because stress worsens the immune response.

Go to bed before 10am. and sleep 8 hours.  Sleeping between hours between 10pm-12pm recharge the adrenal glands.

don't watch violent, scary or movies or tv shows that bring negativity into your body.  look at nature, watch travel or animal documentaries.  Put fiction on the shelf and get back to reality and nature.

reduce a puzzle, pet your animal, ect.
avoid toxic negativity and that goes for people too.  you can turn your phone off and you don't have to answer it!

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