Wednesday, January 13, 2016

GLUTEN and autoimmune disease DR Tom O’Bryan

DR Tom O'Bryan

Dr. Tom O’Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease as they occur inside and outside of the intestines. He is the founder of He recently hosted the paradigm-shifting ‘The Gluten Summit – A Grain of Truth’, bringing together 29 of the world’s experts on Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity at

Understanding Hashimoto’s DR KHARRAZIAN

Datis kharrazian, DC, DABCN, CNS

Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS, MNeuroSci, FAACP, DACBN, DABCN, DIBAK, CNS is considered one of the leading experts in non-pharmaceutical applications to chronic illnesses, autoimmune disorders, and complex neurological disorders. Patients from all over the world fly to his practice located in San Diego, California, to learn and understand his perspective regarding their condition and to apply natural medicine alternatives to help them improve their quality of life. Dr. Kharrazian has become the referral source for many doctors nationally and internationally when their cases become too complex to evaluate and diagnose. Dr. Kharrazian is one of the most sought after educators in natural medicine, laboratory analysis, and nutrition. His seminar schedule is booked two years in advance. He lectures both nationally and internationally at various medical and scientific conferences worldwide. He conducts more than 80 professional and scientific presentations a year in addition to giving radio and television interviews. Dr. Kharrazian has personally trained several thousand healthcare professionals and currently has educated a group of more than a dozen exceptional doctors to lecture nationally in order to meet the demands for education in his patient management model

Immune Confusion


This is a fabulous article written by Dr. Hyman explaining rogue immune systems and how it happens. 
"Your immune system is your defense against invaders. It is your internal army and has to clearly distinguish friend from foe — to know you from others. Autoimmunity occurs when your immune system gets confused and your own tissues get caught in friendly cross-fire.
Your body is fighting something — an infection, a toxin, an allergen, a food or the stress response — and somehow it redirects its hostile attack on your joints, your brain, your thyroid, your gut, your skin, or sometimes your whole body.
This immune confusion results from what is referred to as molecular mimicry. Conventional approaches don’t have a method for finding the insult causing the problem. Functional medicine provides a map to find out which molecule the cells are mimicking." Dr. Hyman

Read the whole article below.