DR Tom O'Bryan
Dr. Tom O’Bryan is an internationally recognized speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease as they occur inside and outside of the intestines. He is the founder of www.theDr.com. He recently hosted the paradigm-shifting ‘The Gluten Summit – A Grain of Truth’, bringing together 29 of the world’s experts on Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity at www.theglutensummit.com.
Food as Medicine..Living with Hashimoto's autoimmune disease
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Understanding Hashimoto’s DR KHARRAZIAN
Datis kharrazian, DC, DABCN, CNS
Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS, MNeuroSci, FAACP, DACBN, DABCN, DIBAK, CNS is considered one of the leading experts in non-pharmaceutical applications to chronic illnesses, autoimmune disorders, and complex neurological disorders. Patients from all over the world fly to his practice located in San Diego, California, to learn and understand his perspective regarding their condition and to apply natural medicine alternatives to help them improve their quality of life. Dr. Kharrazian has become the referral source for many doctors nationally and internationally when their cases become too complex to evaluate and diagnose. Dr. Kharrazian is one of the most sought after educators in natural medicine, laboratory analysis, and nutrition. His seminar schedule is booked two years in advance. He lectures both nationally and internationally at various medical and scientific conferences worldwide. He conducts more than 80 professional and scientific presentations a year in addition to giving radio and television interviews. Dr. Kharrazian has personally trained several thousand healthcare professionals and currently has educated a group of more than a dozen exceptional doctors to lecture nationally in order to meet the demands for education in his patient management model
Immune Confusion
This is a fabulous article written by Dr. Hyman explaining rogue immune systems and how it happens.
"Your immune system is your defense against invaders. It is your internal army and has to clearly distinguish friend from foe — to know you from others. Autoimmunity occurs when your immune system gets confused and your own tissues get caught in friendly cross-fire.
Your body is fighting something — an infection, a toxin, an allergen, a food or the stress response — and somehow it redirects its hostile attack on your joints, your brain, your thyroid, your gut, your skin, or sometimes your whole body.
This immune confusion results from what is referred to as molecular mimicry. Conventional approaches don’t have a method for finding the insult causing the problem. Functional medicine provides a map to find out which molecule the cells are mimicking." Dr. Hyman
Read the whole article below.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Sunday, March 8, 2015
UPDATE: Green tea NOT good for Thyroid...black tea OK?
I thought drinking green tea would be helpful. I have Hashimoto's auto immune thyroid disease. I have been drinking jasmine green tea and now my thyroid is aching and my tinnitus is increased.
did some research...this is UPDATE
Green Tea and the Thyroid
The immune system can be confusing, so rather than describe these cells in detail, I’ll use a real life example of how it works.
Let’s say you cut yourself with a dirty knife. Bacteria penetrate your skin, engaging a first line of defense from our immune system called a macrophage (picture Pac Man).
Macrophages are like big, fat security guards wielding tiny billy clubs –- ineffective, but they’ll slow an invader down while they call on more sophisticated security guards.
When confronted with an invader, macrophages call on their friends, the T helper cells. The T helper cells tell the entire immune system through a series of chemical signals that there has been an invader that has crossed the barrier.
Specifically, the T helper cells call directly on two types of cells, cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells, both soldiers with muscle that live up to their name and help attack and kill the bacterial invaders.
Once the bacteria have been killed, it is time for the immune system to call off the attack, which is the job of the T suppressor cells, who “suppress” the fight.
In the event that the bacteria is too powerful for the T cells, or if the T cells have a difficult time finding the invader, as in the case of a virus, the B cells are called to join in the fight. B cells make antibodies for a given invader based on instructions from the T helper cells.
In other words, if the T helper cells tell the immune system that the invader is a guy wearing an orange sweater, the B cells will create antibodies for a guy in an orange sweater, so that when they meet him, they can latch onto him and wave a flag, making it easier for the cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells to find the invader.
But here’s what you really need to know:
Because autoimmune disease is not only extremely complex, but also highly individualized. Hashimoto’s in one person is not the same as Hashimoto’s in the next person. In one person, Hashimoto’s could present as a Th1-dominant condition. In another, it may present as Th2 dominant. In still another, both the Th1 and Th2 systems might be overactive, or underactive. And each of these cases requires a different approach. For example, botanicals like echinacea and astragalus stimulate the Th1 system. If someone with Th1 dominant Hashimoto’s takes these herbs, they’ll quite possibly get worse. On the other hand, antioxidants like green tea and Gotu Kola stimulate the Th2 system, and would be inappropriate for those with Th2 dominant Hashimoto’s
So am I Th1 dominant? or Th2? I think I may be Th2 since Green tea is affecting me.
did some research...this is UPDATE
Green Tea and the Thyroid
Green tea contains compounds that may increase thyroid problems.
Approximately 20 million Americans have a thyroid disorder, reports the Cleveland Clinic. While genetics, iodine deficiency and certain medications can disrupt thyroid function, some research indicates that green tea contains compounds that may either contribute to or exacerbate thyroid problems in some individuals. If you are concerned about your thyroid, talk to your doctor before including green tea in your diet regularly.
Green tea health risks:
Green tea health risks:
Could green tea actually be bad for you?
By Bryan Walsh
Green tea has received a lot of positive media attention in recent years. But is it really good for everyone?
Not necessarily.
There is a group of people for whom green tea may be hazardous. And given green tea’s popularity these days, it’s critical to share this information with anyone interested in health.
Green tea has a wealth of research behind it demonstrating a number of health-promoting benefits including anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties.
Many of green tea’s benefits are due to its effects on the immune system, which is also where it can cause problems.
But before telling you how green tea impacts the immune system, let’s take a quick look at a simplified version of how it works.
Lymphocytes are then broken down even further into B cells, as well as T cells, which have their own subset of cells called T helper cells, T regulatory cells, cytotoxic T cells and T suppressor cells.
Not necessarily.
There is a group of people for whom green tea may be hazardous. And given green tea’s popularity these days, it’s critical to share this information with anyone interested in health.
Green tea has a wealth of research behind it demonstrating a number of health-promoting benefits including anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties.
Many of green tea’s benefits are due to its effects on the immune system, which is also where it can cause problems.
But before telling you how green tea impacts the immune system, let’s take a quick look at a simplified version of how it works.
A primer on the immune system
The immune system is composed of white blood cells, which are then differentiated into five different type of immune cells. One of those is a group of cells called lymphocytes.Lymphocytes are then broken down even further into B cells, as well as T cells, which have their own subset of cells called T helper cells, T regulatory cells, cytotoxic T cells and T suppressor cells.
The immune system can be confusing, so rather than describe these cells in detail, I’ll use a real life example of how it works.
Let’s say you cut yourself with a dirty knife. Bacteria penetrate your skin, engaging a first line of defense from our immune system called a macrophage (picture Pac Man).
Macrophages are like big, fat security guards wielding tiny billy clubs –- ineffective, but they’ll slow an invader down while they call on more sophisticated security guards.
When confronted with an invader, macrophages call on their friends, the T helper cells. The T helper cells tell the entire immune system through a series of chemical signals that there has been an invader that has crossed the barrier.
Specifically, the T helper cells call directly on two types of cells, cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells, both soldiers with muscle that live up to their name and help attack and kill the bacterial invaders.
Once the bacteria have been killed, it is time for the immune system to call off the attack, which is the job of the T suppressor cells, who “suppress” the fight.
In the event that the bacteria is too powerful for the T cells, or if the T cells have a difficult time finding the invader, as in the case of a virus, the B cells are called to join in the fight. B cells make antibodies for a given invader based on instructions from the T helper cells.
In other words, if the T helper cells tell the immune system that the invader is a guy wearing an orange sweater, the B cells will create antibodies for a guy in an orange sweater, so that when they meet him, they can latch onto him and wave a flag, making it easier for the cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells to find the invader.
But here’s what you really need to know:
- The initial T cell response is called a “Th1 response”.
- The secondary B cell antibody response is called a “Th2 response”.
However, sometimes an imbalance of the Th1/Th2 system can be beneficial. For example, during pregnancy women have a tendency to shift towards a Th2 dominance, which is advantageous since a Th1 shift would induce rejection of the fetus.
Autoimmune disease: An immune system out of balance
Virtually all autoimmune diseases -– conditions where the immune system begins to attack self-tissue –- have either a Th1 or a Th2 dominance.
Put another way, autoimmune conditions generally have either a T cell upregulation and B cell suppression (Th1 dominant) or the opposite (Th2 dominant).
It’s imperative that people with autoimmune disorders maintain Th1/Th2 balance.
When the immune system is dysregulated and starts attacking body tissues, the more out of balance the immune system is, the more voraciously it will attack those tissues.
For example, in someone with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks cartilage, the more out of balance the Th1/Th2 system is, the more cartilage destruction will take place.
When healthy foods are unhealthy
According to research, a number of natural compounds have a tendency to push either side of the Th1/Th2 balance.
Green tea is one such substance. The active components of green tea have a tendency to push the Th2 system to be more dominant by inhibiting the Th1 side of the immune system.
Therefore someone with a Th2-dominant autoimmune condition (see table below) would be wise to stay away from green tea or products containing concentrated green tea (such as a green tea supplement), because it can upregulate an already dominant system and lead to more tissue destruction.
Conversely in someone with a Th1-dominant autoimmune condition, green tea would be beneficial because it inhibits the Th1 side of the immune system.
Another common example most people know of is the herb echinacea.
When people get sick with a cold or flu, echinacea helps boost the T cells (Th1 response) involved with the initial attack of a foreign invader.
However, in a Th1-dominant autoimmune condition, echinacea will likely make the condition worse and is therefore be something to be avoided.
Real world example
We had a patient come into our office and report that she took a single antioxidant capsule one night before bed and experienced an array of symptoms including heart palpitations, anxiety, “inward trembling” and insomnia.
The patient had been previously diagnosed with hypothyroidism, a low thyroid condition characterized by weight gain, fatigue, and depression-like symptoms.
The number one cause of hypothyroidism in the United States is an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s syndrome (or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis).
The patient’s symptoms after taking the antioxidant indicated an upregulated, or increased attack on her thyroid gland, which then released extra thyroid hormone into her system causing what are classically hyperthyroid symptoms.
When we looked at the ingredients in the antioxidant, it made sense
Two of the main ingredients –- green tea extract and curcumin -– have been shown to push the immune system towards a Th2 dominance. Given the symptoms she experienced after taking the antioxidant, we concluded that she suffered from a Th2-dominant Hashimoto’s autoimmune condition.
We surmised that the green tea and curcumin stimulated her already lopsided immune system into more aggressively attacking her thyroid gland.
This is why when I drank 3 cups or more of green tea, my thyroid started aching and my tinnitus is increased highly.
There is no one food that is good for everyone.
We are all unique individuals, with different genetics, different biochemical needs and different reactions to ingested food. Indeed, one person’s food is another person’s poison.
Many foods and supplements have a wealth of proven health benefits, but not for everyone.
If you have an autoimmune condition, some of these compounds can make you much better or much worse depending on your Th1/Th2 dominance. You can talk with your doctor about running a lymphocyte panel to determine which dominance you have and then take the appropriate compounds to help push your immune system in the opposite direction.
But do not do this without the advice of a qualified medical professional! Pushing your system in the wrong direction can lead to further destruction of whatever tissue(s) your immune system might be attacking.
Green tea has a proven track record of benefits for the average person and, if you do not have an autoimmune condition, it seems wise to include green tea into your diet.
However if you have a diagnosed autoimmune condition, especially a Th2 dominance disorder, green tea might not be for you.
You may be wondering at this point whether you should clear your cupboard.
While there’s a basic list of common autoimmune conditions as a general guideline below, please be aware that this doesn’t always pan out in practice. I’ve found this along with some other practitioners.
When we run lymphocyte panels on people, we find some that differ from the clinical literature that categorizes people by Th dominance status. (In other words, the research says they should be one thing; but we find in fact that they’re the other.)
There is a lot we still don’t know about autoimmune conditions. If you see yourself on this list, don’t jump to any conclusions or self-diagnose, take the wrong supplement and make yourself worse (i.e. a Th2 dominant MS patient who demyelinates themselves by taking green tea).
Always check with a qualified practitioner.
Common Th1 dominance disorders
Organ-specific autoimmune diseases (Possible benefit from green tea)
- Multiple sclerosis
- IBD/Crohn’s disease
- Type 1 diabetes
- Hashimoto’s disease, Graves disease (thyroiditis)
- Psoriasis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Heliobacter pylori induced peptic ulcer
Th1 stimulating compounds
- Echinacea
- astragalus
- licorice root
- beta-sitosterol
- ashwaganda
- panax ginseng
- mushrooms (Maitake, Reishi, Shiitake)
- chlorella
- grape seed extract
Common Th2 dominance disorders
Systemic autoimmune diseases (Possible harm from green tea)- Allergies
- Asthma
- Chronic sinusitis
- Many cancers
- Hepatitis B and C (mixed Th1 and Th2)
- Ulcerative colitis
- Viral infections
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Helminth infections
Th2 stimulating compounds
- Green tea
- resveratrol
- pycnogenol
- curcumin
- genistein
- quercetin
Green Tea and the Thyroid
Green tea affects the thyroid gland. One study reported in the August 2010 issue of "Human and Experimental Toxicology" noted that when compared to black tea, green tea extracts caused a significant decrease in the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. The thyroid-stimulating hormone, however, was increased with green tea, indicating that green tea was affecting the thyroid negatively and the body was trying to correct for the decreased T3 and T4 levels. Green tea also caused enlargement of the thyroid gland.
May Increase Thyroid Cancer Risk
A study published in 2011 in "Cancer Causes & Control" studied the link between thyroid cancer and coffee or green tea consumption in over 100,000 Japanese men and women between 40 and 69 years old. After following the subjects for over 10 years, the researchers determined that premenopausal women who consumed 5 or more cups of green tea each day were more likely to develop thyroid cancer. Postmenopausal women drinking the same amount of green tea, however, had a lower risk of thyroid cancer. The tea appeared to have no effect on the thyroid cancer risk of men.Possibly Lowers Thyroid Function
All teas contain flavonoids, naturally occurring phytochemical compounds that act as antioxidants and that may help prevent chronic diseases. Green tea is especially rich in flavonoids known as catechins, including epigallocatechin and epicatechin. Catechins may suppress thyroid activity and increase the risk of goiter, the development of an abnormally large thyroid gland, concluded a "Human & Experimental Toxicology" study published in 2011. This study was conducted using laboratory rats -- more research on humans is needed.Because autoimmune disease is not only extremely complex, but also highly individualized. Hashimoto’s in one person is not the same as Hashimoto’s in the next person. In one person, Hashimoto’s could present as a Th1-dominant condition. In another, it may present as Th2 dominant. In still another, both the Th1 and Th2 systems might be overactive, or underactive. And each of these cases requires a different approach. For example, botanicals like echinacea and astragalus stimulate the Th1 system. If someone with Th1 dominant Hashimoto’s takes these herbs, they’ll quite possibly get worse. On the other hand, antioxidants like green tea and Gotu Kola stimulate the Th2 system, and would be inappropriate for those with Th2 dominant Hashimoto’s
So am I Th1 dominant? or Th2? I think I may be Th2 since Green tea is affecting me.
Might Make Thyroid Problems Worse
Because of the effect green tea's catechins may have on the thyroid, experts at Precision Nutrition, a nutrition- and exercise-coaching company, recommend that people with thyroid-based autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto's syndrome, a type of hereditary hypothyroidism, avoid drinking green tea and taking any dietary supplements containing green tea extract. The catechins in green tea may cause an imbalance in their immune system's T cell and B cell antibody responses, possibly resulting in more severe thyroid disorder symptoms.Black Tea Associated With Less Risk
Unlike green tea, black tea is not associated with thyroid problems. Although both are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, black tea contains a different concentration of flavonoids compared to green tea since it is allowed to oxidize during production, while green tea is not. Black tea is high in thearubigin and theaflavin flavonoids but relatively low in catechins. The study that focused on green tea's suppression of thyroid activity concluded that black tea did not have the same effect because it lacks catechins.Jasmine essential oil " Queen of the night"
To maximize Jasmines fragrance it must be picked during the evening. after sunrise the fragrance greatly diminishes! This is why in part it was given the name "Queen of the Night".
Because of its popularity and its cost, Jasmine oil is often adulterated!
• One pound of jasmine oil = 1,000 pounds of jasmine = 3.6 million unpacked blossoms!
• One pound of PURE jasmine oil = therapeutic quality = up to $4,500 per pound!
• One pound of SYNTHETIC jasmine oil = perfume quality = $3.50 per pound!
Seeing things in terms of dollars and cents always brings the point home.
Jasmine oil is included in many professionally made blends because of its diversity. From alleviating stress to balancing the female system, jasmine supports us unconditionallyThe health benefits of Jasmine Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, cicatrisant, expectorant, galactogogue, emmenagogue, parturient, sedative and uterine substance.
Jasmine is a very famous flower. It has a strong yet sweet, pleasing and romantic fragrance, which is very common in flowers which bloom only at night. Girls are often named “Jasmine”, primarily in the Middle Eastern region and the Indian Subcontinent but also in other parts of the world. The jasmine flower is often associated with romance and love. Heroes in romantic novels and movies can often be found addressing their heroines by the name “Jasmine”. For ages, jasmine has been inspiring poets as well. This flower blooms only at night and fills the surroundings with its unmistakable and alluring fragranceEmmenagogue: This property is meant to give relief to those women who suffer from irregular, obstructed, or painful menses or an untimely menopause. The emmenagogue property of Jasmine Oil regulates period cycles, and makes the periods clear and less painful, while also helping to push back menopause. It also provides relief from other problems associated with menses such as fatigue, annoyance, nausea, and mood swings. Regulating your period is also a great way to balance the hormonal levels of your body, which can help keep a vast number of other bodily functions from occurring naturally and in a healthy way.
However, this flower has much more to offer than its sweet smell and romantic associations. For the moment, let us put our poetic feelings aside and explore some of the impressive health benefits that jasmine can also provide us.
Health Benefits of Jasmine Essential Oil
Antidepressant: The aroma of jasmine essential oil has a pleasing and uplifting effect on the mind and actively fights depression. This makes a person feel happy and potentially awakens romantic and poetic feelings, just as it has done in literary and music history! The aromatic effect of jasmine oil stimulates the release of certain hormones in the body, including serotonin, which results in the boost of energy and the uplifted mood.Antiseptic: It is also a very good antiseptic and disinfectant. Its constituents like Benzaldehyde, Benzoic Acid and Benzyl Benzoate have very effective germicidal, bactericidal, fungicidal and antiviral properties. When externally applied to wounds, it prevents them from becoming septic and effectively eliminates potential infections from tetanus. It can also have internal applications, and when inhaled, it is known to reduce infections in the respiratory system and can relieve colds and coughs.
Aphrodisiac:It is actually the aphrodisiac property of Jasmine Essential Oil that makes you feel romantic or in love. This oil puts people in the mood for love and also enhances your libido and feelings of sexual desire. Due to this property of jasmine oil’s aroma and the fragrance of Jasmine flowers, it has been in use during First Nights, particularly in the Indian Subcontinent where it is in practice to decorate the bride and the First Night Room with these flowers and use its oil to spray in the room. It also helps cure problems such as premature ejaculation, frigidity, impotency, and various other sexual disorders. This property is also derived through the oils impact on the hormones and chemical reactions within the body, so millions of lover around the world have jasmine essential oil to thank for their newly sparked sex life!
Cicatrisant: Are you worried about the scar marks and after spots left by boils, acne, or other wounds? You should definitely try Jasmine Essential Oil. Since it is a cicatrisant, it can help fade those scar marks and after spots. It can also help you eliminate the fat cracks that often happen in pregnant mothers.
Expectorant: The expectorant property of Jasmine Essential Oil can help you have an undisturbed night of sleep, even when you are suffering from a cough or cold. It provides relief from coughs by helping clear out the accumulation of phlegm in the respiratory tracts. It also eliminates snoring by clearing the congestion from nasal and respiratory tracts. With jasmine essential oil working in your system, you be kept away by coughing endlessly through the night, nor will you constantly snore in your sleep.
Sleep Aid: A combination of jasmine essential oil’s properties make it an ideal tool for inducing long, restful, and undisturbed sleep. Its behavior as an expectorant, sedative, and antispasmodic combine to create the best situation for falling asleep and staying asleep for the entire night. By reducing signs of insomnia and sleeplessness, you can go back to your old self again, well-rested, kind, patient, and productive at work and in your personal life.
Jasmine oil has long been associated with skin care, particularly in terms of treating dry, brittle, or dehydrated skin. However, since it does have certain non-sensitizing effects, it is not always pleasant to use on cracked or open wounds on the skin, as it can cause an allergic reaction, or irritation.
Jasmine essential oil increases milk secretion from the breasts and is therefore very good for lactating mothers and their new babies. This property also helps protect from breast tumors and breast cancer.
The essential oil of Jasmine facilitates and eases the birthing process and reduces labor pains. This feature can be very beneficial in today’s situations when a normal delivery is a rare sight and most of the cases are handled with Caesarian sections. For many women who choose to use jasmine essential oil, they find that the recovery process is less painful and the post-natal period is also shorter. Furthermore, it can strengthen contractions and shorten the time it takes to deliver a baby. At that point, many women suffer from post partum depression, but jasmine essential oil also combats that tragic condition due to its antidepressant and uplifting qualities
Antispasmodic: Jasmine Essential oil is very good for treating and relaxing spasms. It provides quick relief from spasmodic coughs, cramps, congestion, asthma, breathlessness and even spasmodic cholera. It also alleviates intestinal cramps and pains resulting from spasms in other parts of the body. Spasms can be dangerous, disruptive, and even deadly, so any substance that can alleviate this serious condition quickly should be respected!
Sedative: Jasmine essential oil calms down the body, mind and soul while bringing forth positive and constructive emotions. It gives relief from anxiety, stress, annoyance, anger and depression as well as from inflammations of all sorts, which can affect mood and pain throughout the body. Although further research must still be conducted, this sedative and anti-inflammatory property might give jasmine another impressive health benefits, the reduction of associated pain and discomfort of arthritis and gout!
Uterine: This oil is good for uterine health because it tones the uterus and promotes the secretion of certain hormones which ensure good health and proper functioning of the organ. It also helps protect the uterus from tumors, particularly after menopause, by restricting the flow of estrogen.
Other Benefits: It can also be used to free people from narcotic and other addictions.
A Few Words of Caution: Pregnant women, before they are at the actual birthing process, should avoid using this oil since it is an Emmenagogue. It is highly relaxing and sedating and thus heavy doses should be avoided. Again, those who are allergic to Jasmine should avoid using it, as with any essential oil made from a known allergen.
Blending: Essential Oil of Jasmine blends well with the essential oils of Bergamot, Sandalwood, Rose and citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits.
Jasmine Green tea...fabulous!!!
The Advantages of Drinking Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea benefits tea drinkers as it has been proven to replenish the system with health-enhancing antioxidants called catechins and antigens which reduce inflammatory conditions. Therefore, jasmine tea drinkers can realize such advantages as:

The properties in the tea make it possible for tea drinkers to lead a healthier life. Plus, the tea has been shown to be more beneficial than drinking water. If you drink water or coffee throughout the day then, you might consider drinking jasmine tea instead. Studies have shown that people who drink the beverage live longer, have fewer heart attacks and strokes and significantly lessen their chances of contracting cancer.
A Restorative Infusion
Make a commitment to leading a healthier lifestyle. Brew some jasmine tea and enjoy the flavor and aroma of this healthful indulgence.
Have your reached that point in your life when you don’t feel as young and spry as you once did? Well, you might find a youth-giving elixir in jasmine-flavored tea. Originating from China, the infusion is made in the states, typically, as a blend of green tea and jasmine flowers. Jasmine tea benefits are numerous and include the following properties.
Jasmine tea is high in antioxidants, and combats the free radicals formed in the body. Free radicals are harmful in many ways, and can hasten the aging process. Free radicals have also been shown to have a relation with the development of cancer in the body. By reducing the free radicals in the body, it effectively lowers the chances of developing cancer. Antioxidants also play a valuable role in slowing down the aging process
Jasmine tea has some antiviral and antibacterial properties that help in the prevention of colds and influenza. It is widely believed that gargling with jasmine tea can prevent illness. Consumption of jasmine tea can also result in an earlier recovery from such ailments.
A Healthful Tonic
Jasmine is a tea that has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. It’s an exceptional “tonic” as jasmine tea benefits you both mentally and physically.
The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends that adults drink two to three cups of green, or jasmine, tea a day, which provides between 240 and 320 milligrams of polyphenols. This amount allows you to take advantage of the tea’s health benefits without getting too much caffeine. The medical center recommends drinking decaffeinated tea if you are concerned about your caffeine intake, or if you drink more than three cups of green tea per day. According to TeasEtc.com, teas decaffeinated using carbon dioxide rather than ethyl acetate are considered healthier as the tea retains more of the flavor and health compounds afterwards. Regardless of the processing, decaffeinated teas retain between one-third and two-thirds of teas' beneficial compounds
Jasmine tea benefits tea drinkers as it has been proven to replenish the system with health-enhancing antioxidants called catechins and antigens which reduce inflammatory conditions. Therefore, jasmine tea drinkers can realize such advantages as:
- An enhanced immune system
- An improved level of energy
- A pronounced ability to lose weight and burn fat
- Better concentration
- A much lower level of stress
- A reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer
- Fewer allergies
- Lower cholesterol
- Less chance for colds and flu
- Less joint and back pain
- Fewer muscle aches
The properties in the tea make it possible for tea drinkers to lead a healthier life. Plus, the tea has been shown to be more beneficial than drinking water. If you drink water or coffee throughout the day then, you might consider drinking jasmine tea instead. Studies have shown that people who drink the beverage live longer, have fewer heart attacks and strokes and significantly lessen their chances of contracting cancer.
A Restorative Infusion
Make a commitment to leading a healthier lifestyle. Brew some jasmine tea and enjoy the flavor and aroma of this healthful indulgence.
Jasmine Tea – A Sweet Alternative for Anyone Trying to Lose Weight
A Weight Loss Tea with Health Benefits
If you are trying to lose weight, then you might want to put your coffee cup down and opt instead for jasmine tea. The flavored tea from China, which is typically made of a blend of green tea and jasmine petals, is a subtly robust beverage that has health-giving and disease-preventing properties that also assist anyone wanting to shed a few extra pounds. Therefore, the properties in the blend make it possible for you to burn fat more effectively and give you extra endurance so you can make your exercise routine last longer.
Research Findings
Also, the tea has been shown to arrest or ameliorate such diseases and conditions as heart ailments, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, ulcers, back pain, and joint and muscle discomfort. The catechins in the green tea base are powerful antioxidants that act to keep you disease-free as well as energized. Such compounds rid your body of the free radicals that damage cells and make you feel and look much older than your actual years.
Improved Functioning and Thinking
The beverage not only improves immunity but also reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels too. Antigens in the tea work to eradicate any type of inflammation as well. Substances in the tea have also been shown to help you with respect to mental clarity. As a result, you function better physically and handle mental tasks with more acuity.
Choose Jasmine over Java
As you can see, jasmine tea benefits are immense when it comes to consuming the beverage for purposes of weight loss. Jasmine tea is a beverage of choice then for anyone who wants to maintain a sound weight and make strides in improving their overall health and energy level. So, switch out the java for jasmine if you want to lose weight and feel better overall.
If you are trying to lose weight, then you might want to put your coffee cup down and opt instead for jasmine tea. The flavored tea from China, which is typically made of a blend of green tea and jasmine petals, is a subtly robust beverage that has health-giving and disease-preventing properties that also assist anyone wanting to shed a few extra pounds. Therefore, the properties in the blend make it possible for you to burn fat more effectively and give you extra endurance so you can make your exercise routine last longer.
Research Findings
Also, the tea has been shown to arrest or ameliorate such diseases and conditions as heart ailments, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, ulcers, back pain, and joint and muscle discomfort. The catechins in the green tea base are powerful antioxidants that act to keep you disease-free as well as energized. Such compounds rid your body of the free radicals that damage cells and make you feel and look much older than your actual years.
Improved Functioning and Thinking
The beverage not only improves immunity but also reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels too. Antigens in the tea work to eradicate any type of inflammation as well. Substances in the tea have also been shown to help you with respect to mental clarity. As a result, you function better physically and handle mental tasks with more acuity.
Choose Jasmine over Java
As you can see, jasmine tea benefits are immense when it comes to consuming the beverage for purposes of weight loss. Jasmine tea is a beverage of choice then for anyone who wants to maintain a sound weight and make strides in improving their overall health and energy level. So, switch out the java for jasmine if you want to lose weight and feel better overall.
15 Reasons You Will Feel Young By Drinking Jasmine Tea
Posted on October 4, 2010, 12:04 pm, by admin, under Feel Younger, Jasmine Tea Benefits.
Jasmine tea benefits, can be enumerated, as follows:
- The catechins in the green tea are antioxidants that step in to prevent such diseases and conditions as cardiovascular disease and cancer.
- The properties in the tea not only aid in burning fat but also give you the energy to exercise for longer durations—very good for weight loss.
- Studies suggest that if you drink several cups a day, you will prolong your life.
- Research also shows that the tea is helpful in eliminating cancers of all types, such as leukemia and cancers of the colon, breast, prostrate, ovaries, lungs, and esophagus.
- The scented aroma is helpful in reducing the affects of stress.
- Theanine, which is contained in the green tea of the mix, has been shown to enhance the thinking process.
- Studies have found that jasmine tea also acts as an anti-depressant and reduces depressive symptoms related to menopause, paranoia and post-natal conditions.
- The tea also cleanses the arteries of cholesterol.
- Also, jasmine tea has been found to help those suffering from diabetes. Certain compounds (theaflavins and EGCG) help in keeping blood sugar levels in check.
- The tea has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps in reducing the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis.
- Jasmine tea also prevents bad breath and tooth decay.
- Antigens are found in the tea that build up the body’s defense against disease.
- Joint and muscle pain subside when drinking green tea with jasmine.
- The tea helps alleviate back pain as well.
- Scientific research suggests that the ingredients contained in jasmine-flavored green tea make it healthier than drinking water. Therefore, drinking iced jasmine tea after a workout is exceptionally beneficial.
Jasmine Tea Benefits – Stay Younger
Have your reached that point in your life when you don’t feel as young and spry as you once did? Well, you might find a youth-giving elixir in jasmine-flavored tea. Originating from China, the infusion is made in the states, typically, as a blend of green tea and jasmine flowers. Jasmine tea benefits are numerous and include the following properties.
- The aroma of jasmine tea has a relaxing effect; therefore, it is excellent for relieving stress or anxiety.
- The tea inhibits the growth of bacteria, which results in a healthier immune system and the elimination of such conditions as allergies.
- The catechins in the green tea base of jasmine tea are known to prevent such diseases as cancer and heart disease.
- The tea aids in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
- The tea prevents free radicals from forming, which accelerate the aging process, making us look older and feel older than our actual age suggests.
- The tea has been proven to prevent ulcers.
- Jasmine tea has been shown to reduce back pain.
- The tea is also helpful in eliminating joint and muscle distress.
- Gargle with the tea to reduce your chances of getting the flu.
- The tea is a good diet tea too. You don’t need to add sweetener as it is naturally sweetened.
Have a Bad Back? Drink Jasmine Tea
A Flavored Tea that is Good for You
Jasmine tea is a flavored tea, which combines the petals of the blooms of the jasmine plant typically with green tea leaves. Both plants are proven to provide numerous health benefits, one of which includes alleviating chronic back pain. The tea, which originated in the Song Dynasty (960 to 1279) in China, is a delicate tea that has a relaxing, sweetly-scented aroma.
Health-enhancing Beverage
Adding the flower to white or green tea accelerates its healing and disease-prevention properties. That’s because both white and green tea contain catechins which supply the tea drinker with protection against certain types of bacteria and cancer. As a result, jasmine tea benefits the back as well as the immune system. In addition, it has been found that green tea, when used as a blend in jasmine tea, aids in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. Antioxidant qualities also destroy the free radicals in one’s system that can escalate the aging process. Also, the tea has been shown to reduce depression.
The base for jasmine tea is made with buds or leaves of the tea bush, otherwise known as Camellia sinensis. This plant can be used in the production of several types of teas, including:
The amount of oxidation that is applied to a tea largely will decide its flavor. Black tea, which is widely consumed in countries such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, is fully oxidized. In China, the tea is referred to as red tea. However, with respect to the jasmine blend, white or green teas, as mentioned, are the teas of choice.
Jasmine tea is a flavored tea, which combines the petals of the blooms of the jasmine plant typically with green tea leaves. Both plants are proven to provide numerous health benefits, one of which includes alleviating chronic back pain. The tea, which originated in the Song Dynasty (960 to 1279) in China, is a delicate tea that has a relaxing, sweetly-scented aroma.
Health-enhancing Beverage
Adding the flower to white or green tea accelerates its healing and disease-prevention properties. That’s because both white and green tea contain catechins which supply the tea drinker with protection against certain types of bacteria and cancer. As a result, jasmine tea benefits the back as well as the immune system. In addition, it has been found that green tea, when used as a blend in jasmine tea, aids in lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. Antioxidant qualities also destroy the free radicals in one’s system that can escalate the aging process. Also, the tea has been shown to reduce depression.
The base for jasmine tea is made with buds or leaves of the tea bush, otherwise known as Camellia sinensis. This plant can be used in the production of several types of teas, including:
- White tea
- Green tea
- Oolong tea
- Black tea
The amount of oxidation that is applied to a tea largely will decide its flavor. Black tea, which is widely consumed in countries such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, is fully oxidized. In China, the tea is referred to as red tea. However, with respect to the jasmine blend, white or green teas, as mentioned, are the teas of choice.
1. Fights Bacteria
Not only does the tea put on its boxing gloves to fight bad bacteria, it also aids our bodies to form good bacteria that helps with digestion.2. Weight Loss
The tea contains catechins which have fat burning properties and thus aid in weight loss. It does this by increasing your metabolic rate, which subsequently helps you to burn fat faster. A recent study has shown that people who drink jasmine green tea tend to lose weight faster than those who don’t drink it regularly.3. Aromatherapy
Jasmine itself has medicinal properties and is therefore a highly effective form of aromatherapy. Research published in the European Journal of Applied Psychology found that simply inhaling jasmine can reduce a person’s heart rate as well as have a sedative effect on both nerve activity and mood.4. Cancer Prevention
Green tea is high in antioxidants, which means it can lower your risk of developing cancer. This is because antioxidants attack the free radicals that form in your body and can be linked to cancer causation.5. Anti-Aging
Free radicals can also mess with your skin in terms of healing and revitalization. So another added bonus of antioxidants is that they prevent this and thus slow down the aging process.Jasmine tea is high in antioxidants, and combats the free radicals formed in the body. Free radicals are harmful in many ways, and can hasten the aging process. Free radicals have also been shown to have a relation with the development of cancer in the body. By reducing the free radicals in the body, it effectively lowers the chances of developing cancer. Antioxidants also play a valuable role in slowing down the aging process
6. Regulates Circulation
Jasmine tea has been proven to be highly beneficial for improving blood circulation. As such, it can help to prevent medical conditions such as blocked arteries, thrombosis, brain damage and blood clots.7. Heart Health
Jasmine tea has been known to reduce cholesterol and bad fats within the body. In addition, it can prevent additional bad cholesterol forming. These things naturally helps to reduce your chances of heart disease and strokes.8. Stress Relief
Throughout history jasmine has been used for stress relief and as an anti-depressant, which is due to its aforementioned therapeutic properties. That explains why those Buddha’s Tears leave me feeling so amazing.9. Cold Prevention
The antiviral and antibacterial properties found within jasmine green tea can help to prevent both colds and the flu. Consuming the tea whilst sick can also help to speed up your recovery. Some even believe that simply gargling jasmine tea can prevent illness, but I don’t really see the point of that when the stuff is so delicious. Just drink it!Jasmine tea has some antiviral and antibacterial properties that help in the prevention of colds and influenza. It is widely believed that gargling with jasmine tea can prevent illness. Consumption of jasmine tea can also result in an earlier recovery from such ailments.
10. Prevention of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
IBD is a medical condition that involves bloating and pain in the colon. Studies have shown that green tea can actually help to reduce these symptoms in two types of IBD, as well as Crohn’s Disease.A Healthful Tonic
Jasmine is a tea that has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. It’s an exceptional “tonic” as jasmine tea benefits you both mentally and physically.
How Much To Drink?
The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends that adults drink two to three cups of green, or jasmine, tea a day, which provides between 240 and 320 milligrams of polyphenols. This amount allows you to take advantage of the tea’s health benefits without getting too much caffeine. The medical center recommends drinking decaffeinated tea if you are concerned about your caffeine intake, or if you drink more than three cups of green tea per day. According to TeasEtc.com, teas decaffeinated using carbon dioxide rather than ethyl acetate are considered healthier as the tea retains more of the flavor and health compounds afterwards. Regardless of the processing, decaffeinated teas retain between one-third and two-thirds of teas' beneficial compounds
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